I personally love reading the ‘about’ section on websites. Especially when it’s written in third person but you just know that the person typed it out themselves, being their own tiny ghostwriter. I won’t start writing about ‘Pien van Grinsven’, I will just admit that it’s me writing about me, for you.

I was born in the south of Holland, in a city very close to the Belgian border. I then studied political science in Amsterdam and worked as a documentary researcher before being accepted into the Doc Nomads documentary directing master, which took me to Lisbon, Budapest and Brussels, making a short film in each city. My graduation film ‘doei’ was screened in festivals worldwide and was selected to the Cinetree film library. I now work as an independant filmmaker and documentary researcher, dividing my time between Belgium and the Netherlands. I am currently finishing the short film Hormonal, set to be released in 2023.